Thursday, March 10, 2011

Should I go to a Vocational High School?

Alright. I am a Honor Roll Middle School student. Many months ago someone from a "technical high school" came in to talk to us about this public school option. It is run by the county, and the school district pays the students tuition. They made it sound like the greatest thing, you can take a course in many areas such as graphic design, computer information systems, police academy, carpentry, auto tech just to name a few, and get your high school diploma. You have an option to go full day and take all your many academics at "tech", or you can spend half the day there, and take 2 academics, and then spend half the day at the traditional high school and take the rest (What I would like to do). They even give you a 13'' Macbook to enhance your learning! Everyone wanted to go, but a whole bunch of people told them that kids that go to tech don't go to college. I quickly looked up that statistic, and found out 75% of graduating students do go on to college. I also found out that at this school half the kids who go full day meet the state proficiency levels for math, and only a quarter for science. I come from a school with close to 98% in math, and just below that in science. I then approached some teachers, yet they still said nothing but good things about tech. One of my most skilled teachers was even formally employed by them! He only stopped working there because they required for him to have a masters degree! He also said that the reputation was extremely inaccurate, and provided many reasons to back that up. I still continue hearing bad stuff about the students that go there, so I decide to pay a visit there myself. The teachers and staff are very friendly. The facilities are of the 80's era, but the equipment is up-to-date and the school is clean. The director was also very nice, and basically told me that their students are very diverse, and if I put a lot into it, I will get a lot out of that school. If I don't like some students, I simply won't. After investigation, I learned that over half the students have learning disabilities, most of them have lots of piercings and not that it matters but their style is goth. I also talked to one of my older peers, and one of the few that is supporting, and he knows some of the kids going to tech. He says he doesn't know one kid who goes to that school who is academically motivated, but he does not know any half day students, and yet he thinks If I actually listen I will have an advantage and I should go. Yet I continue to hear bad things from my peers, but not the adults. I really want to go, but I don't want any bad decision that I make when I'm 13 to effect me when I'm 33. What should I do?

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